In the final 30 seconds of the episode The Time of angels, which featured the return of Who fan favourites River Song (Alex Kingston) and the Weeping Angels, a cartoon version of Graham Norton appeared on screen to promote the reality series aired directly after Doctor Who on BBC One (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GspzbY1iYO8&feature=player_embedded). Fans are furious and expressed their feelings on the internet.
« I take it everyone else was livid that the Beeb put a gurning cartoon Graham Norton across the exciting cliffhanger climax of Dr Who, » wrote Ashes To Ashes exec producer Matthew Graham on Twitter (http://twitter.com/BarCough). « Please BBC - you're not a US network, you're so much better than they are. Don't cheapen yourself. The public know what's up next » added Graham.
Simon Brew, of the excellent Den of Geek website, published a most eloquent open letter to the BBC (http://denofgeek.net-genie.co.uk/television/471290/open_letter_to_whoever_put_a_graham_norton_graphic_over_tonights_doctor_who.html).
The Beeb has yet to comment on the "Darrinesque Norton" incident.
Update (19.07 - French Time): « The BBC often promotes programmes in this way but the corporation has acknowledged that in this case the scheduling was inappropriate. A BBC spokesman said: "We apologise for the timing of Saturday night's trail." » (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/8642854.stm)
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