Like last week, 12 semi-finalists divided in two groups of 6. First group: Secrets of Moonwalk (Dance Group), Lola (Folk Singer), Tao (Martial artist and magician), Compagnie A Balles et Bulles (Jugglers), Sabrina (Contortionist), Rachid (Flame spewer). In each group the candidate who receives the highest votes from viewers is automatically qualified, and the jury must choose the other between the second and the third chosen by viewers. A candidate is "saved" by the judges at the end of the episode.
Second group submitted for the approval of the viewers and the judges: Skorpion (Dance), Gwendal (Singer), Fanny and Noémie (Dancers), Florian (Magician), Othentik59 (Dance Group), Céline (Opera Singer). The judges are of course: producer from Quebec Gilbert Rozon (founder and president of the Just for Laughs festival), actress/director Valérie Stroh and comedian and humorist Smaïn.
Three heavy trends for this fourth season of LFAIT (formerly Incroyable Talent): urban dance groups (with or without humour) - remember Diversity won Britain's Got Talent 2009. The search for the French Shaheen Jafargholi, this 12-year old singer who appeared in BGT and sung for the Michael Jackson Memorial Service. And the heaviest of all: the tributes to The King of Pop.
Secrets of Moonwalk mixes the urban dance group trend and the tribute to Michael Jackson and got Three Yesses, like Lola the folk artist. Tao (http://www.magictao.fr/) was amusing but he got one buzz from Gilbert Rozon (your humble servant don't get why). The martial artist/magician has a restaurant in Limoges, the place must worth a visit. La Compagnie A Balles et Bulles unfortunately didn't confirm their audition (two buzzes).
Rachid got a buzz from - who else ? - « direct and intransigent » Rozon. « He thinks it's Questions pour un Champion » said Smaïn of his colleague - amusingly the long-running Questions pour un Champion, adapted from Going for Gold (1), is another hot property of FremantleMedia, the production company of LFAIT. Note that Rachid is not only a flamboyant street artist but also a playwright and he is working on a a play called Hermes et la femme sans âge.
The highlight of this first group where no one really tried - except Rachid - to do better than in auditions, was Sabrina Aganier, 19, contortionist and graduate from the National Circus School of Montreal (http://www.canada.com/Torch+relay+brings+along+travelling+circus/2308380/story.html). There is no Got Talent in Quebec, just a dubbed version of America's Got Talent titled in French Du Talent à Revendre! No doubt that The Hoff would adore Sabrina.
Secrets of Moonwalk was N°1 qualified by viewers and the jury had to choose between Lola and Sabrina. Sabrina won a due qualification as she contributed widely to make this second semi-final a great show, with contenders of the second group like Skorpion. Skorpion (Brice Larrieu), 26, is a trained classic and modern dancer who dreams to create his own company. After what we've seen yesterday evening we seriously think that this is a damn good idea.
The most notable effort of the evening was from Fanny and Noémie because a back sprain of Fanny limited her dancing possibilities but she was on stage with her sister for a nice tribute to Chicago, the musical. Gilbert Rozon buzzed, I enjoyed the number because when I have a lumbago I can't even scratch my nose without yelling to death. And I like Chicago.
Florian will become a fabulous professional magician if he leaves his CDs at home (once is enough) and Othentik59 is out of the race to become the French Diversity. The Queen of Hearts of this semi-final is Céline, the wonderful Opera singer. She performed beautifully the famous Der Hölle Rache aria from Mozart's The Magic Flute.
Céline should not be compared to Susan Boyle. Her voice recalls the magic of Paul Potts, the first BGT winner. She deserves to follow his steps and Simon Cowell or Sony Classical should sign her at once. Skorpion was the choice of the viewers for this group, Céline the choice of the jury, and the judges saved Florian the Magician.
Next week: the finale. The competition is surprisingly open.
Verdict: 8/10
(1) http://www.ukgameshows.com/page/index.php?title=Going_for_Gold
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